Rhododendron (Dipayan Saha, Pratyusha Dutta, Debajeet Deb, Diponmesh Paul, Debarghya Das, Sourav Sarkar).

A film by our imediate seniors (Dipayan Saha, Pratyusha Dutta, Debajeet Deb, Diponmesh Paul, Debarghya Das, Sourav Sarkar). A music video on the amazing song by Mohiner ghoraguli. What I loved most about the film was the style. It is pretty unique. Especially how the Maya models have been used. Smartly done. The film stays true to the mood of the song. At least my interpretation of it. Love the frames. The angles. the camera work and the editing in whole. Amazing work. Worth a watch. Worth a share. Proud to be your junior, makers! :)

Plan to shoot an interview of the makers soon. About how they thought of the film. How they perceived it. What they wanted to show. looking forward to it. :)


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