Dripped (Leo Verrier).

An answer to all those people out there who question Abstract art. Abstract are is generated from feelings inside the artist. It is representing visually what the heart and mind wants to represent. What it likes. When people defame it, my blood boils. It's so cruel. So bad. the act of defaming abstract art. Abstract art is visually so impressive. i mean, how can anybody defame it. This applies to human behavior too. {People tend to defame people or things they don't like. And that's bad. Seriously bad. This film shared below is now one of the best films that i have seen. You know, the art direction in this one is so fabulous. The narrative, so very strong. The concept is amazingly portrayed. Hats off to the director, Leo Verrier and his crew. Amazing work.

Here's the film:

And thank you Suchana Saha for sharing this amazing piece of art. It really helped me. Gain back confidence on the act of free expression. :)


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